NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: Using NetWare for SAA 1.3a with NetWare 4.0 DOCUMENT ID: TID250004 DOCUMENT REVISION: B DATE: 23SEP93 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Issue README FOR: NA NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare for SAA 1.3 ABSTRACT: NetWare for SAA 1.3a can be used with NetWare 4.0 by following these instructions: 1. Do not apply the patches PTF 400, PTF 401, PTF 402, PTF 403, PTF 404, or PTF 406 to NetWare for SAA 1.3a. 2. Do not use NetWare for SAA 1.3a on a NetWare 4.01 server until Novell issues the "Authorized User List", and until Novell issues a patch for SAA 1.3a. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ISSUE How to install NetWare for SAA 1.3a on NetWare 4.0 BINDERY EMULATION The BINDERY EMULATION option must be enabled on the NetWare 4.0 server that will have NetWare for SAA 1.3 installed. The SET BINDERY CONTEXT command in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file or the STARTUP.NCF file will enable bindery emulation. Additionally, the NetWare 4.0 server must have a READ/WRITE, or master replica of its partition for BINDERY EMULATION to be enabled. Please refer to the NetWare 4.0 System Administration Guide. CAUTION: Do not change the BINDERY CONTEXT (BINDERY EMULATION) once NetWare for SAA 1.3 is installed. Doing so will require you to reinstall NetWare for SAA 1.3. Sample AUTOEXEC.NCF for NetWare 4.0 In this sample AUTOEXEC.NCF for a NetWare 4.0 installation, the same adapter card is used for both LAN and host access. Lowercase indicates items that you must fill in with your own values such as for the bindery context, the file server name and the IPX internal network number. SET BINDERY CONTEXT = bindery_context FILE SERVER NAME file_server_name IPX INTERNAL NET internal_network_number LOAD CLIB LOAD BTRIEVE -U=1 -P=4096 -F=20 -H=60 -L=20 -C SET MAXIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS=2000 ; LAN CONNECTION: LOAD NE2000 INT=3 PORT=300 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.3 ; HOST CONNECTION: LOAD NE2000 INT=3 PORT=300 FRAME=ETHERNET_802.2 NAME= xxxx ; where xxxx is the Logical Adapter Name from CSCON NetWare for SAA Installation Do not install SNMP, it is already on the system. The following installation steps should be done after the instructions on the SAA 1.3a "Quick Install Card" for copying the product files to a NetWare partition on the NetWare 4.0 server have been followed. To install the Communication Executive update, issue the following commands at the NetWare console: 1. Type LOAD INSTALL 2. Select Maintenance/Selective Install 3. Select Product Options 4. Press 5. Enter the full pathname to the Communication Executive subdirectory on your SYS volume, and press . For example: SYS:CE13 6. Select "Install on this server" Perform a similar operation to install NetWare for SAA: 1. Type LOAD INSTALL 2. Select Maintenance/Selective Install 3. Select Product Options 4. Press 5. Enter the full pathname to the NetWare for SAA subdirectory on the SYS volume, and press . For example: SYS:NWSAA13 6. Select "Install on this server" 7. After you have installed the Communication Executive and NetWare for SAA, down the server and restart it (with the SERVER command). You must do this to ensure proper operation of the Communications Server after you have installed NetWare for SAA. SPECIAL NETWARE 4.0 INFORMATION Multiple Communication Executives can now simultaneously exist in the same NetWare 4.0 Organizational Unit. Create a User for CSCON. For a user to be able to log in to CSCON and configure the CS under NetWare 4.0 the following steps must be followed: 1. Create a user under the Organizational Unit (context) where SAA has been installed. 2. The user must then be given 'Supervisor Equivalent' rights (in the NetWare 3.11 sense). This can be accomplished by making the user's security equivalent to the File Server object. 3. Use the NWADMIN utility running on a workstation to: - Log in as NetWork Administrator (Admin) to the NetWare 4.0 server. - Load NWADMIN from Windows. - Select the Organizational Unit (context) where SAA is installed. - Click on OBJECT from the NetWare Administrator screen. - Click on CREATE. - Select USER from the NEW OBJECT LIST, and click OK. - Fill in the user information - login name - last name - Select the ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES box and click OK. - Click on the PASSWORD RESTRICTIONS box on the right of the screen - Check the REQUIRE PASSWORD box - Click on the CHANGE PASSWORD bar - Type the password in both boxes - Click OK - From the same screen, click on the SECURITY EQUIVALENCIES box in the right lower corner of the screen. - Click on the ADD box - Select the FILE SERVER OBJECT where SAA is installed from the OBJECTS LIST. - Click OK - The file server object will now be shown in the SECURITY EQUAL TO window. Click OK to exit. The user just generated will now be able to log in to the server and run CSCON to configure SAA service profiles. OS Ring Protection NetWare for SAA 1.3 can only be loaded and executed in the OS Domain at Ring 0 under NetWare 4.0. NetWare for SAA 1.3 cannot exist in the OS Protected Domain at rings 1, 2, or 3. Do not create a user called SUPERVISOR in NetWare 4.0. SUPERVISOR has a special meaning and is maintained by the NetWare 4.0 operating system for the purpose of 3.11 compatibility. You must not change the NetWare 4.0 server's internal IPX network number while NetWare for SAA 1.3 is installed. If you do, you will be unable to load COMMEXEC. To recover, change the internal IPX network number back to the one used when NetWare for SAA 1.3 was first installed. If you need to change the number: 1. Backup the existing service profiles 2. Remove NetWare for SAA 1.3 3. Change the Internal IPX Net number 4. Reboot the server 5. Reinstall NetWare for SAA 1.3 To bind a transport protocol manually, issue the following command at the NetWare console: CSBIND [spx|appletalk|tcp-ip] To unbind a transport protocol manually, issue the following command at the NetWare console: CSUNBIND [spx|appletalk|tcp-ip] Under NetWare 4.0, CSUNBIND is the only method of unloading a transport protocol while workstations are connected to NetWare for SAA. IMPORTANT 1. If you need to remove Directory Services from a server that has NetWare for SAA installed on it: a. Backup the profiles (using SAACOPY) b. Remove NWSAA and COMMEXEC from the server c. Remove Directory Services d. Reinstall Directory Services e. Reinstall COMMEXEC and NWSAA f. Use SAACOPY to copy the profiles back to the server 2. If NetWare for SAA is unloaded (CSUNLOAD) and then reloaded immediately (CSLOAD) while a large number (i.e., approximately 100) of downstream PUs are connected to it, NetWare for SAA may ABEND with the error: FSM_XID3_NEG_PROTO This occurs only if the downstream PUs are also running NetWare for SAA on a server. To avoid this problem, wait for about two minutes between unloading and reloading NetWare for SAA. 3. Do not put the CSSTATUS statement immediately after the LOAD COMMEXEC statement in the AUTOEXEC.NCF file. You may either issue the CSSTATUS statement manually, or insert another statement between the CSSTATUS and the LOAD COMMEXEC. 4. Remote installation from a local server's diskette drive may cause problems. If you attempt to do a remote installation and use the local server's diskette drive to install NetWare SAA 1.3 the following error message may appear in certain situations: Error , BuildCDProductsList returned -1 Press Any Key To Continue At this point the NetWare SAA installation fails. The problem is caused by the diskette drive access that is slow enough to cause the SPX connection to the remote server to timeout. Therefore, the install process can't write to the PRODUCTS.DAT file. This also depends on network traffic. However, in some situations this remote install procedure from diskette will work with no problems. There are two possible solutions. 1. Do the remote install from a DOS hard drive or NetWare volume. 2. Increase both the remote and local server's SPX timeout values, "SPX WATCHDOG ABORT TIMEOUT" and "SPX ACK WAIT TIMEOUT", using the SPXCONFG.NLM. NMA for NetView (NetView Ready) experiences the same problems as above for remote installs from diskette drive. NIC DRIVERS We recommend the use of ODI drivers, for both the host connection and the LAN connection.y